All must have noticed how efficient and handy UPC barcodes are when purchasing an item. And if you own a business, no matter how large or small, then you would know how helpful and pivotal they are in streamlining all your transitions with retail collaborators.

What are UPC Codes?

Universal Product Code or UPC codes are a set of alternating black and white stripes present on all items ranging from chewing gums to television sets. A UPC code consists of a combination of 12 randomly generated numerals which uniquely identifies each saleable item.

This code serves as unique identifiers of each item, and can be used to track them starting from shipment to sale across any geographic location. The numbers on UPC codes are assigned by GS1, a UK based non-profit group, which is currently handling all the UPC codes in the world.

Are UPC codes helpful?

If you are a business trying to find your foot in the retail sector or if you already have a strong presence there, in either case it is necessary to Purchase UPC Codes for items you are selling. The retail outlets use them to verify the authenticity of the items they put in their stores, and also to streamline their own shipment and inventory processing. These days if you are planning to sell your products in any of the leading retail outlets, or even through online portals like Google Product Search or Amazon, then your items are required to have a UPC code attached to them to for better accuracy.

Also, remember that these codes are required for each and every item, which means that if you are selling an item in two sizes with four colors each, then you will need eight UPC codes for each item

How to get UPC code for your products?

To purchase UPC codes, you first need to register with GS1 and then pay an annual membership fee. This fee might not be nominal, but it depends on market projections you have for your business, on your own growth estimates and on the number of unique items that you project to sell. Not to worry since all these estimates are guesstimate. Thus, if the numbers do not match the initial projections it is not considered a fraud.

After registering with GS1, each business is assigned a unique identification number, which forms as the first part of your UPC code. You can then add your own identification code for each product. And the final code is completed once GS1 assigns a string of randomly generated numbers to the last part of the UPC code. This entire process fortunately is highly efficient and quick and what is even better you can purchase UPC code online.

So if, you are a large enterprise or a small start-up, you need to Purchase UPC Code for each little item you want to sell, and fortunately obtaining these UPC codes is neither time consuming nor cumbersome.

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